
Showing posts from December, 2014

How To Train the Adult EM Learner

Traditionally, education consisted of the educator standing in front of a collection of people telling stories and passing along knowledge to the audience. This was termed passive learning and has been the predominant form of medical education for years. With time and the hard work of countless educators and innovators, the world of medical education has changed. Information is now openly available online through hundreds of free websites and the learner is now able to learn at his or her own pace (called active learning ). This has led to increasingly innovative methods of teaching in an attempt to maximize the yield of each educational session. Common examples include the FOAMed (Free Open Access Medical Education) movement through sites such as Twitter and Google+; the flipped classroom, wherein a learner will research the material and then discuss cases during typical lecture times; and interactive online journal clubs, where multiple people are able to discuss papers across geo...

Socrates and Social Media: How Today's Leaders and Teachers can Learn to Be Happy!

Socrates and Social Media:  How Today's Leaders and Teachers can Learn to Be Happy! The rules of the game are changing. Knowledge is readily available and expanding at an exponential rate. This ever widening gap between rapid change and our ability to have all the answers results in anxiety. This applies to both today's business leaders and educators. Socrates proposed the first solution to this problem. Today's educators must begin by appropriately asking the right questions. Then guiding students to high quality answers. Students become engaged participants. Educator's become experienced facilitators, as well as students in the active and dynamic learning process. Everyone then Learns to Be Happy!

Grit from the Greatest Generation...

Lessons from America's Greatest Generation fill the pages of Don't Give Up, Don't Give In by Unbroken's Louis Zamperini. Learn more on the importance of Grit at SMACC 2015! #smaccUS and #smaccteam Check out any chapter the next time that you need to refill the well after a tough day in the trenches. I was really impressed by these two great pearls from Louis: 1. By being an example of humble, grateful and tireless service, we plant seeds in the hearts of our students. 2. By being present to listen, encourage, then help answer questions, we water those seeds and create future leaders.