
Showing posts from December, 2017

Beating Burnout by Becoming Antifragile - Top Reads

Top Reads on How to Beat Burn Out by Becoming  Antifragile There is no one book, practice or philosophy. Each of the books below has provided me with a unique insight into the problem and potential solutions for the individual, clinical team, department, hospital, system, industry and ultimately society. Let me know if you have more to add to this initial list - certainly there are thousands more. The Chimp Paradox : Provides an easy to remember framework for understanding the complex neuroscience behind how your mind functions moment to moment. This understanding helps you to recognize your primitive mind's response to stress. Then utilize your higher brain to decide on the best response to a particular stimuli, stress, or situation. Trauma Stewardship: Explains why family, friends, staff and clinicians are all victims of secondary trauma, how we can recognize burnout, and provides a framework for approaching personal wellness. The Obstacle is the Way : Provides a daily p...