Great Leadership Isn't About the "Great" Leader. It is about Service to Everyone.

Amazing article on Leadership as Service from the Harvard Business Review by General John Michael, 438th Air Expeditionary Wing Afghanistan.

As educators we are all leaders. Leadership must first, always. and only be about dedicated service to our students and society. The military is sometimes criticized for outdated ideas. Yet West Point's Flipped Classroom Thayer Method of teaching and General Michael's 4 Points on Leadership demonstrate the Leadership as Service philosophy of the United States armed forces.

1. Listen to other people's ideas, no matter how different they may be from your own.

2. Embrace and promote a spirit of selfless service. Don't ask anyone to do something that they have not seen you doing yourself already.

3. Ask Great Questions. Seek new knowledge and ideas from everyone, especially those people on the "factory floor" everyday.

4. Don't fall prey to your own publicity. Instead of the hype, focus on humble and grateful service.

I second the call, "Are you Game?". Thank you General Michael.


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