"Teach for Mastery Not Test Scores" from Khan Academy Visionary & How to Get Started in Med Ed...

Check out this outstanding TED talk from Sal Khan. Provides an inspiring synopsis of where education is today, and where we must be tomorrow.

We need to begin focusing not on test scores, but on motivation through learning ownership, followed by continuous mastery of fundamental knowledge and skills. How many ridiculous multiple choice exams do we have in education, especially medical education today? What does passing really mean? As a practicing clinician, bedside educator, and writer of such tests, I know first hand that yesterday's rites of passage have little external validity to patient care.

Time to focus instead on teamwork with our trainees, engagement through clinical experience, and outcomes that make a difference to the patient.

Review how to utilize simulation based mastery learning in your medical curriculum by reading this great article by Barsuk et al.

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