Coaching in MedEd #10: The mind creates the team's success!
Coach Woodenism for the Week: "Practice self control and keep emotions under control - good judgement and commonsense are essential." In this series, we're applying Coach John Wooden's Pyramid of Success to medical education. We began by discussing the foundation of Attitude and Effort, followed by Friendship, Loyalty, and Cooperation. To Coach Wooden, this foundation develops from the heart and the spirit. But the second row focuses on the mind, particularly the next building block of success, Self Control. Self Control is fundamental to the practice of medicine, particularly in the Emergency Department. A clinician may walk out of one room after repairing a simple laceration, then walk into a cardiac arrest in the next. In dynamic environments, the clinician demonstrating self control is always proactive, not reactive. Although "Be proactive..." is the first of Covey's Seven Habits, the term was best defined by Victor Frankl, an Austrian Neurops...