Coaching Tips for Med Ed #9: Cooperation brings any team's foundation together!

Coach Woodenism for the Week: "As a leader you must be more concerned with what's right, rather than who is right."

In this series, we're applying Coach John Wooden's Pyramid of Success to medical education. As coaches and trainees, we began by discussing the foundation cornerstones of Attitude and Effort, followed by Friendship and Loyalty. The final block in the pyramid's foundation is Cooperation, defined simply as the process of working together to achieve a common goal.

Technological innovation is driving rapid transformation in both education and leadership. Yet the fundamentals taught in Coach's Pyramid Success remain more important than ever. Yesterday's top down leader set their own course for an organization and discouraged discussion. This dictator's approach may create limited short term success even now. But sustained long term success always requires a different paradigm.

Today's horizontal leader purposefully questions and deliberately seeks collaboration. In recent TED talks, Court Crandall describes how leaders become happy and successful in today's dynamic economy by asking questions and learning during every meeting. And Dr. Linda Hill describes how today's inverted leader of innovation constantly sets the stage for other team members to collaborate upon. 

Once questions are answered, and a game plan set, then everyone must rally around the team leaders and fellow players. An implicit leadership structure is always necessary for success even in horizontal organizations. Without leadership, questioning may simply degrade into analysis paralysis, a potentially fatal condition in a world where change is the only constant. Instead, today's leader fails forward fast - sometimes meeting defeat, but always learning and moving forward.

In our efforts this week, focus on the Cooperation with your team. Whether you are a leader or team member, encourage collaboration by asking questions and learning. Create a plan. Then start working together to achieve your goal. Whether a procedure, patient visit,  shift, lecture, paper, podcast, blog, conference or website, the fundamentals are always timeless.

Make it a great week!

Where to Learn More:
John Wooden Quotes
Wooden on Leadership: How to Create a Winning Organizationby John Wooden and Steve Jamison
Coach Wooden: The 7 Principles That Shaped His Life and Will Change Yours, by Pat Williams and Jim Denney.


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