Excellent article in Academic Medicine on applying athletic principles to Medical Rounds to improve both teaching and patient care!

Great journal. Be sure to add the RSS feed for this to your Feedy page. The article discusses the "re-branding" of Lean Thinking semantics into Athletic Team and Coaching semantics. The terms and concepts utilized were well received by the clinicians and students.

A similar approach may be very helpful with other insightful ideas from the business leadership literature. The very interesting book Switch describes how to create significant and sustained positive organizational change through Shaping the Path, Motivating the Elephant, and Directing the Rider. All of my colleagues would appropriately think I was nuts if I utilized this terminology at our next faculty meeting. However, all of these same ideas were demonstrated to us by our favorite athletic coaches. 

And this really work - The study reported a 30% reduction in 30 day readmission rate and a 18% reduction in length of stay, and of course the usual education research outcomes that everyone liked the team approach better!


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