Make It Stick - A must read for educators.

Just finished this terrific read by experts in the psychology of learning and memory. The book includes accurate discussions on the neuroanatomical basis of learning and memory, as well as the latest in educational and cognitive theory. 

Take Home Points for the Educator: 
1. Create a Growth Mentality. Praise the effort, not the accomplishment. 
2. Always encourage Questioning and Curiosity. 
3. Truly understanding and applying material, as well as frequent low stakes quizzing and regular testing, creates long term learning. Cramming and memorizing lead to rapid forgetting. 
4. Model and facilitate Trial and Failure. We learn so much more from our mistakes then we ever will from our successes. Simulation works. 
5. Deliberate Practice, with constant and conscientious mentoring and refinement. 
6. In sports or medicine interleave learning through cross training - constantly changing, revisiting and re-examining important topics. 


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