Stress: Break Down or Build Up? You Decide.

Stressed out? Over Worked? At Your Breaking Point? Perhaps, the problem is not just your stress level, but more importantly how your perceive stress.

In this fascinating TED Talk, Kelly McGonigal describes How to Make Stress Your Friend! The friendship begins with examining how we perceive stress. When we view stress as a helpful physiologic response to life's challenges, our response to stress mirrors our bodies healthy response to exercise, joy, and courageous moments.

But Kelly does not stop there, she gives another gift by revealing that stress actually "makes us social" by increasing the release of the "hugging hormone" oxytocin that helps make our response to stress even more healthy. In fact, being empathetic and supportive further increases our oxytocin levels, creating life's ultimate Win-Win.

So in Kelly's own concluding words, "Go after what creates meaning in your life, and trust yourself to handle the stress that follows."


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