Coaching Tips for EM Education Part 6: How to Make Each Day Your Masterpiece.
Coach Woodenism for the Week: Be true to yourself. Make each day a masterpiece. Help others. Drink deeply from good books. Make friendship a fine art. Build a shelter against a rainy day. This month we are discussing the second Effort cornerstone of legendary Coach John Wooden's Pyramid of Success applied to medical education. As clinicians, we all have the requisite Attitude and work Effort. Bringing out the best in our trainees, first begins with being the example of these cornerstones. Last week, we focused on being an example of the team Effort we expect from our trainees. We made the Effort to get to the bedside with our trainees, teach a pearl on every case, and give feedback on every shift. The days when I practiced these tips with my were far better the when I failed to give my best Effort. How do we bring our "A" game to the bedside everyday? Joshua Wooden gave his sons severn principles to live by. His son, Coach John Wooden gave these same princip...