Set Super Chickens Free - Transforming Leadership through Social Capital...

Margaret Heffernan former BBC lead, successful entrepreneur, and now management consultant wonderfully summarizes the new challenge of leadership today in this inspiring TED Talk.

In education and medicine, the super chicken rules the roost, very likely at the cost of true professional growth, and even more tragically public health.

To solve today's complex problems, we need to create the Successful Team Margaret and MIT researchers describes as having three key components: empathy, equal voice, and women members! Leaders need to move completely away from command and control top down model, to a providing "air cover" for the work of the team, ensuring the team is adhering to value behaviors, and helping one another develop great ideas through frequent conflict and open communication.

I've listened to this TED talk three times this week and will undoubtedly be listening again soon right after I finish her book. So many great ideals - Thank you for your vision Margaret.

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