Building Resilience Together - Weekly Review

Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values your destiny. Ghandi. 

During a slow moment on a recent overnight, a senior EM resident and I discussed burnout and wellness in medicine. We talked through shifting our focus from "self help", to the personal and team QI process of continually building resilience together. One helpful method is a weekly personal review described by many leaders on the subject, adopted here for a physician's life.

Weekend Review (Complete once on Friday - Monday, depending on your schedule)
1. Review calendar from week before. For each event, ask yourself:
a. What am I grateful for? 
b. How can I improve next week?
2. Review week ahead:
a. Be sure not just work events are listed, but more importantly personal and family events are noted
b. Visualize TTD in preparation for each. 
3. Brief review of month ahead. 
a. Scroll through the calendar, being sure that the big events, such as lectures, papers etc are being prepared for in advance.

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